Meeting documents

Dorset County Council Regulatory Committee
Thursday, 1st February, 2018 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Regulatory Committee, Thursday, 1st February, 2018 10.00 am (Item 14.)


Update Sheet


Planning application 2/2016/1127/DCC - New Wimborne First School building (15 classrooms) with hall, meeting rooms, specialist teaching rooms and associated landscape works, Burt’s Hill, Wimborne




Additional Conditions - Highways


The following additional conditions and informative have been proposed by the County Council’s Transport Development Liaison Engineer. It is proposed that these conditions are added to those detailed at paragraph 9 of the report.


Accesses, turning and parking construction

Before the development is occupied or utilised the accesses (pedestrian and vehicular), turning and parking shown on Drawing Number L300 dated December 2017must have been constructed.  Thereafter, these areas must be permanently maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified.


Reason: To ensure the proper and appropriate development of the site and to ensure that highway safety is not adversely impacted upon.


Vehicle access construction

Before the development is occupied or utilised the first 15.00 metres of the vehicle access, measured from the rear edge of the highway (excluding the vehicle crossing – see the Informative Note below), must be laid out and constructed to a specification submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To ensure that a suitably surfaced and constructed access to the site is provided that prevents loose material being dragged and/or deposited onto the adjacent carriageway causing a safety hazard.


Cycle parking

Before the development is occupied or utilised the cycle parking facilities shown on Drawing Number L300 dated December 2017 must have been constructed.  Thereafter, these must be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified.


Reason: To ensure the proper construction of the parking facilities and to encourage the use of sustainable transport modes.


Set back gates

The development hereby permitted must not be occupied or utilised until a scheme showing precise details of the proposed school entrance gates must be submitted to the Planning Authority.  Any such scheme requires approval to be obtained in writing from the Planning Authority.  The approved gates must be set back a minimum distance of 10.00 metres from the edge of the carriageway and hung so that the gates can only open inwards.


Reason: To enable a vehicle to be parked clear of the public highway whilst the gates are opened or closed, preventing possible interruption to the free flow of traffic.



The vehicle crossing serving this proposal (that is, the area of highway land between the nearside carriageway edge and the site’s road boundary) must be constructed to the specification of the County Highway Authority in order to comply with Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980.  The applicant should contact Dorset Highways by telephone at Dorset Direct (01305 221000), by email at, or in writing at Dorset Highways, Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ, before the commencement of any works on or adjacent to the public highway.



In addition to those representations set out under paragraph 4.13 of the report, a representation has been received from a resident at no. 8 Walford Close that raises specific points relating to amenity. The representation raises concerns over the re-profiling of the application site and how this has the potential to create views into their property as well as directing surface water run-off towards their boundary. The representation stated that it was essential that the use of the school playing field does not result in balls etc entering their property. It was also stated that a maintenance strip should be maintained adjacent to the property boundary.


Officer Comments on Representation

The cross sections submitted as part of the application show that reprofiling will be minimal in this part of the application site. Given the relative ground levels and presence of a 1.8 metre close boarded fence, it is considered that the re-profiled ground levels would not give rise to the adverse overlooking of properties in Walford Close.


The extent of re-profiling within this part of the site does not significantly alter the existing ground levels. In addition, it is noted that the recommendation to grant planning permission is subject to a condition detailing the submission of an appropriate drainage scheme to be agreed by the County Council’s Flood Risk Management Team. With these measures in place it is considered that the proposed scheme will not adversely impact upon neighbouring properties through surface water flooding.


A three metre high security/ball fence will be erected adjacent to the properties in Walford Close. It is noted that adjacent to no.8 Walford Close, the edge of the sports pitch is located approximately 20 metres from the proposed fence. Notwithstanding the provision of the security/ball fence it is considered appropriate to add a further condition in relation to the potential for the development to adversely impact upon the amenity of residents through disturbance from stray balls. It is proposed to add the following condition to the grant of any permission.


Disturbance from Stray Balls

Where the applicant and/or LPA is made aware of persistent disturbance from stray balls directly affecting the amenity of adjacent residential properties, the applicant shall, within 28 days of a reasoned request from the LPA, undertake monitoring in accordance with details that shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the local planning authority and the results shall be reported to the local planning authority. If significant disturbance is identified as a result of the use of the sports pitch, measures shall be proposed to reduce and/or mitigate disturbance and thereafter implemented in accordance with the agreed details.


Reason: In the interests of the residential amenities of the area and in accordance with Policy HE 2 of the Adopted Core Strategy.


It is noted that the proposal does allow for a maintenance strip between the proposed security/ball fence and the boundary of the adjacent residential properties.


Revised Condition 3 (Reference to Revised Landscaping Plan)

A revised plan has been submitted by the applicant that accurately shows the number of proposed on-site parking spaces as set out in paragraph 6.13 of the report. It is proposed to amend condition 3 (Submitted Plans and Details) to reflect the submission of this plan. The revised Condition would read as follows:


Submitted Plans and Details

3. The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved plans reference L300, L202 Rev P1, L210 Rev P8, L213 Rev P1, L214 Rev P3, L221 Rev P5, L222 Rev P5, L223 Rev P1, L230 Rev P3, L231 Rev P1, A100 Rev P5, A101 Rev P2, A105 Rev P3, A106 Rev P3, A107 Rev P3, MSA/BJH/01/02 (Sheets 1-4) and Wimborne First 3FE School

Planning Statement dated August 2017 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority.


Reason: To enable the County Planning Authority to deal with any

development not in accordance with the approved plans having

regard to polices HE2, KS11 and KS12 of the Adopted Core



Final consultation response from East Dorset District Council’s Environmental Health Officer

A final consultation response has been received from East Dorset District Council’s Environmental Health Officer. Following the submission of additional information concerning the potential for noise disturbance from the outdoor play areas and sports pitches, the Environmental Health Officer raises no objection. 


Revised Recommendation

Following the confirmation of the Environmental Health Officer in relation to the potential for noise disturbance, it is proposed to revise the recommendation detailed under paragraph 9 to read as follows:


That planning permission be granted subject to securing a satisfactory drainage scheme in agreement with Flood Risk Management and the conditions set out.